Our Programs
Providing quality education to learners.
What we have
to offer…
We have fantastic programs that have been developed to cultivate and nurture all aspects of the learners, from gross and fine motor skill development, to cognitive, language and social development.
Little Leaders Exclusive focuses on offering the extra activities to all the learners, thus 100% pre-schooler participation.
Little Leaders Exclusive focuses on offering the extra activities to all the learners, thus 100% pre-schooler participation.
As a franchisee, you will receive our program training and a complete operations manual that provides guidelines for managing your school and business.
Recognising Parents as Our Partners
Parents are indeed our partners in the care and education of children. Little Leaders understand that they are also customers, and as a brand, we ensure customer service of the highest quality and the best possible care and education for their children.

Baby Program
Developed by baby and tots for children 3-12 months and 12-24 months. We strive to achieve milestones including:
The program is worked out to the NELDS (National Early Learning Development Standards) curriculum. Modernised classes with Angel care monitors in each cot – continued caring and regulated body temperature – baby hygiene and baby play.

Baby Moov
The fundamental movement era (2-6 years) is the turning point in terms of developing gross motor skills.
It is a proven fact that children with inadequate motor skills experience difficulties in academic success and find it difficult to adjust to a school environment in later years. Developed through an Occupational therapist, this program is a immense resource for occupational therapists in school based and paediatric practices. It is also a great resource for teachers in kindergarten and foundation phase, and parents who want to incorporate sensory motor activities at home as well.
The 3 – 6 year program includes more than 250 activities.

Academic Curriculum
The Academic Curriculum is specifically developed and is an unique exclusive program. It offers theme based developed curriculum with supported teacher didactics for all our groups. (Baby, 1-2 years; 2-3 years; 3-4 years; 4-5 years and Gr R.)


About Little Leaders
Our mission is to provide quality education to learners, in a safe and wonderful learning environment, through providing individual attention and skills development to ensure maximal individual potential.
8 Donald Street Klerksdorp 2571
Phone No.
084 299 2153 | 084 250 0621